Large Animals You've Never Seen Before - Wildlife Animals

Large Animals You've Never Seen Before

Some of the greatest wonders of the world weren’t created by man, but instead, by Mother Nature. Blame it on genetics, evolution, or a divine entity, but animals are created in all shapes and sizes. Nature has dictated how these animals will live based on their surroundings and their environment. If an animal is extraordinarily tiny, there is a reason for it. And if an animal is large, then there is a reason behind it, likely for the animal’s survival. Of course, for those of you who believe in creationism of some kind, then you likely believe that a deity (or several) had a clever reason behind the birthing of each animal. We are all familiar with some of the largest household pets in the world, but what about the largest animals out in the wild? The animals in this video can rival, if not completely trump, the size of an average human. Does this mean danger for the human race? Well, only if these animals decide to revolt against homo sapiens. But these large animals are intimidating, so humans are doing their best to control the populations of the species with strict laws as well as poaching, captivity, and more. First, we have the coconut crab, which is something out of anyone’s nightmares, especially if they’re afraid of shellfish. These crabs are nothing like the crab you might find on your dinner plate. The coconut crab can weigh as heavy as nine pounds and get to be three feet wide. They can also weigh up to 120 pounds. Recently, a coconut crab stopped traffic in Honolulu, Hawaii as it crossed the street. Cars stopped in the same way they would have stopped for a pedestrian. However, the coconut crab is illegal in the state of Hawaii because they steal food, destroy garbage cans, and eat cats, causing it to be a menace to society. The coconut crab is native to the Pacific Ocean area, but Hawaii has worked hard to eliminate it from their islands. Then we have the oarfish, which was a figure of legend and lore, slithering at the bottom of the ocean. But it wasn’t until the body of a dead oarfish washed up on shore off the coast of Los Angeles, California, where people realized that the seventeen foot fish was reality and no longer fiction. Speaking of fish, the ocean sunfish is the heaviest bony fish in the world. They can weigh anywhere between 545 and 2,025 pounds and be up to ten and a half feet in height. Thus, making the sunfish bigger than the average human. On land, the Kodiak bear is one of two of the largest bears in the world. The Kodiak bear can be around eight feet long and weight between 500 and 700 pounds depending on the gender of the bear. Next to the Southern Elephant Seal, the Kodiak bear is one of the biggest carbivorans in the world. There are more of the biggest animals where this came from. Make sure you hit that play button to learn more!

Credit: TheRichest

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