Mother Nature has a funny way of showing us that we’re not quite done exploring the mysteries of life. One of the ways she reminds us of this is by creating some extraordinarily large animals that can intimidate even the most powerful and well-equipped human being. From the largest dogs to the biggest crocodiles, these large animals are a reminder that there are always creatures much bigger than us and can always put us in our place in the animal kingdom. As with any animal, it is best to treat them with respect so that if and when the animals take back their dominant role in this world, they may take pity on us humans.
But sometimes defying nature comes at a cost. A farmer by the name of Xu Changjin used to be the owner of the world’s largest pig before it died at the age of five from being too big. Sometimes nature doesn’t quite get it right and the poor animal is forced to live a limited life before meeting a premature death. And sometimes, it is because of humans where these beautiful giants end their lives, such as the death of Lolong the crocodile. Two years after being captured, poked, and prodded, Lolong died in captivity. What does this tell us about our relationship with large animals? Perhaps it is best if they are seen from a distance and not touched.
As you watch this video of abnormally large animals that actually exist, think about what you would do should you ever meet one of these gentle giants. Would you run, capture, or just leave it alone?